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Adaptation of children to kindergarten and collective

Adaptation of children to kindergarten and collective

A child’s departure to a kindergarten or a nursery represents mostly the first exit from the family environment, i.e. the first separation from parents, primarily from the mother. At the same time, for the child it can represent the first meeting with a large number of unknown persons, both children and adults. Often this is a traumatic situation for both the child and the parents because it is filled with fear of separation and efforts to adapt the child to the new situation.

How the child’s adaptation to the collective will go and how long it will last depends on: the child’s individual characteristics, emotional readiness, previous experience in separation from parents, parents’ attitudes towards kindergarten, but also on continuous attendance at kindergarten.

Starting kindergarten does not have to be stressful for every child! In the Preschool “Children’s Kingdom” there is a practice of approaching the adaptation process individually. This means that there is no specific time frame for which each child will be adapted to the collective and the kindergarten space. By following the behavior, feelings and reaction of the child, we also determine the course of adaptation. Therefore, we monitor each individual child day by day and coordinate the time of stay, nutrition and participation in activities.

Parents should by no means lie to the child about when they will pick him up, and leave without saying goodbye. The child will then constantly expect them and will not be open to what is happening around him in the group. It is much better to tell the child that the parent will come after work, which is for example after his lunch in kindergarten.

It is recommended that the child bring his “safe object” (toy, blanket, etc.) to the kindergarten. This gives him the impression that he has taken a piece of “home” with him, so he will feel much safer.

It is likely that the violent reaction will be absent on the first day, because the child is still fascinated by the new things. His displeasure after a while is common and normal, and is only a sign that the child is healthy and attached to his family.

Sometimes it is easier for the parent, who normally leaves home every day, and most often it is the father, to take the child to kindergarten, because the child is already used to being separated from him on a daily basis

It should be emphasized that starting kindergarten, in addition to the children’s, also involves the adaptation of the parents. It is important that parents first have confidence in the kindergarten, because their fear and mistrust, if any, will easily be transferred to the child. It is very important that they approach the first conversations with educators openly, to convey important information about the characteristics, needs, habits and interests of the child.

With this relationship, the foundation for further cooperation is created.

Don’t forget, when your child joins the collective, you get partners in the upbringing of your children.

A short reminder for an easier and faster adaptation of children to kindergarten:

• Talk to your child about the kindergarten, stop by the kindergarten several times before leaving, let the child get to know and experience the space;
• Ask in advance about the daily regime in the kindergarten and gradually harmonize the home regime with it (meals, sleeping, spending time outdoors,…);
• Plan absence from work for the first few days of adaptation;
• Familiarize the educators/nurses with your child’s characteristics, interests and habits;
• Allow the child to bring his favorite toy to kindergarten;
• Talk to the child about other children, stimulate his interest in the contents of the kindergarten;
• Make partings in kindergarten short and final, because long partings speak of your fears and indecision;
• Don’t run away from the child, don’t go “fraudulently”, always say goodbye and honestly say when you’ll be back;
• And of course, to always keep your word!

The child can understand that kindergarten is now his responsibility, just as it is your responsibility to go to work.

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