By being separated from their parents through recreational classes in the kindergarten, children gain experience of life in a group, develop flexibility in mutual relationships, create a positive attitude towards being in nature, enrich their experiences and knowledge, adopt a longer regime of the day, engage in sports and movement games, social games and they develop a competitive spirit.
Psychological preparation of children and parents for separation for a few days is necessary. Keep in mind that children are more ready to adopt new things than their parents, they like activities in nature, socializing with authorities who are not parents, as well as socializing with peers.
- Children trust their parents, imitate their reactions. Your thoughts become the child’s. So be careful not to infect the child with your own separation anxiety.
- Before leaving, talk to the child about hygiene, discipline, behavior. It is desirable that children participate in packing their belongings, so that they are responsible for them.
- Support the child in his decision and point out that you are proud that he will be independent.
- Children’s crises during the stay are normal, transitory and do not leave consequences for further development. Keep in mind that the crying of children in a group is often contagious – if one child cries, supposedly because of mom and dad, the others will do the same. Do not worry too much about the so-called collective crying, because this condition is transient and quickly forgotten.