Dečije Carstvo, Predškolska ustanova, logotip min

About us

We are the preschool institution "Dečije carstvo", founded in 2019 and verified by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. That's why you can enroll your child in our kindergarten using a subsidy from the City of Belgrade. "Children's Kingdom" is a purpose-built space, characterized by large rooms for children, filled with daylight. The classrooms are structured into different spatial units, which, with their equipment and contents, provide an incentive for the all-round development of children. We are proud to be able to boast of a location that offers the possibility of rich productive cooperation with the local community, as well as the possibility of including children from the earliest age, in life and social environments.
Our kingdom grows and develops together with children, who have the opportunity to create and change it every day.

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Our vision

Through an individualized approach to children's all-round development potential, we become synonymous with the highest quality preschool upbringing and education.

Our mission

To provide children with:
• Opportunity for proper, comprehensive and healthy development and progress;
• A feeling of security and acceptance, an opportunity to realize and develop interpersonal relationships, training for independent coping in all life situations;

We offer you

A professional team of educators, nurses and professional associates work in the Children's Kingdom. We are proud to have an oligophrenologist, a speech therapist and a senior physiotherapist in our team. That is why we can preventively and correctively influence different aspects of children's development. The educational staff is a key segment of life and work in the kindergarten. That is why we pay a lot of attention to the continuous professional development of our employees.

Our Institution covers almost 700 square meters, on the second floor of the SRC "Tasmajdan" building. The premises are modernly decorated and functionally equipped, while respecting the standards.

We pay special attention to acquiring healthy eating habits. That is why we have carefully selected associates for meal preparation. We are pleased to emphasize the cooperation with the professional team of the company "Healthy Catering". It is very important for our children to spend a third of the day in kindergartens so that the food they receive is prepared in a healthy way, without artificial additives. We use seasonal fresh foods and fresh meat. Our meals are prepared in a healthy way, there is no fried or fried food, we do not use strong spices. And every day fresh, healthy, buckwheat bread is prepared just for us.

Our professional associates, pedagogue, psychologist and speech therapist continuously monitor the development and progress of children of "Children's Kingdom", provide professional support to educators, but very often get involved in direct educational work with children (individual and group).
In addition, all service users (parents) have at their disposal the professional support of our pedagogues and psychologists, in order to improve parenting competencies and child development. Also, we provide the possibility of realization of individual speech therapy treatments, in accordance with the needs of a specific child.
In addition to sports activities, every day through play, we work through preventive and corrective exercises. Therefore, the physiotherapist is part of our professional team. He assesses the motor abilities of children of different ages (1-7 years), assesses posture, poor coordination and asymmetry of the upper and lower extremities. Through continuous exercise, it has a positive effect on the correction of deformities of the spine, knees and feet of children, which are often encountered in preschool age.
In order to improve children's health, once in three months we organize a systematic examination by a pediatrician, as well as a six-month examination by a dentist.

The proper development of children, the development of physical abilities, the proper growth and development of the body and the formation of a healthy body constitution are mostly influenced by the physical activity of the child. Therefore, it is necessary to meet two basic requirements: as many activities as possible - in order for development to be faster; as diverse activities as possible - in order to ensure complete development. On the other hand, group exercise has a very important psychosocial role. Involving children in organized sports activities, among other things, reduces the risk of socio-pathological phenomena in society. It is characterized by ethics, fair play, teamwork, health, outstanding achievements, character and education, joy and fun, respect for rules, respect for yourself and other participants, courage, solidarity…

Once a week, for all children of our kindergarten, older than two years, we organize activities at the pool. For this purpose, we use the indoor and outdoor pool of SC "Tašmajdan". We work with children to get rid of their fear of water and depth. Children stay in the pool with aids (board, tube, muscles, vest...). Later, maintenance on the water without aids is mastered, as well as gradual release from aids and props. All the mentioned activities represent the preparation of children for mastering the technique of swimming.

We try to preserve children's individuality and diversity, therefore we work on noticing children's giftedness at an early age. Accordingly, we stimulate their artistic direction. The following additional workshops are currently being held in our institution:

- Music workshop "Camerton"; - is implemented with children of nursery age and 3 to 4 years old;
- Music workshop; "The magic Flute"; - is implemented with children aged 5 to school.
-Workshop "Miracle of Games"; - a workshop that combines artistic expression and experiments with different materials.
- Art workshop; "Children's studio"; - aims to master different art techniques.
-Relax Kids is a children's program that aims to give children access to a variety of simple but
effective relaxation techniques, mindful attention and stress control techniques that they learn and adopt
in a fun and creative way.

As one of our priorities is the quality of educational work, we continuously monitor its impact on the development and learning of our children. Thus, we noticed that the English language as an additional activity for children is very interesting, but unfortunately not so functional. We have noticed that the content covered in the classes just stays there. That is, after the end of the lesson, the children do not apply the acquired knowledge. That's why we decided to improve the learning of English and adapt it to the learning style of preschool children. Children of preschool age learn spontaneously, through play and active participation in every life situation. Accordingly, we decided to create a bilingual environment in our kindergarten.
Following the example of a bilingual family, where the parents speak different languages, we are creating a kindergarten group in which a teacher who speaks both Serbian and an English-speaking teacher will work with the children. In that way children will be equally exposed to the influence of both the Serbian and English languages. By creating a bilingual environment, we will make the child acquire a second language immediately, spontaneously, through daily activities and play.

We use our own mobile application for communication. Informing, educating parents and monitoring the results of work with children is made possible through the Children's Kingdom mobile and desktop applications.

Every last Friday of the month, we organize an overnight stay for children in kindergarten. The parties are themed and include a lot of activities and animated content. This service includes organized stay of children in the period of 7PM until 11AM the next day, overnight stay, dinner and breakfast.

We try to include children in the life of the local community. We regularly go to theaters, cinemas, we visit museums. Several times during the year, for an additional fee, we organize longer and shorter trips for children.

Types of services and prices
All-day stay means the stay of children during the total working hours of the "Children's Kingdom" preschool institution, which is every working day from 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., as well as all regular and additional activities that are carried out in the institution.
Half-day stay means the stay of children for 5 hours a day, during working days, as needed by the parents, with prior agreement.

The economic price of the all-day stay service, on a monthly basis, per child, amounts to RSD 43,000.00.

Number of absences during the monthPercentage reductionMonthly payment amount
Until 5No reduction38 500, 00 RSD
From 6 to 910%34 650, 00 RSD
From 10 to 1420%30 800, 00 RSD
From 15 and over30%26 950, 00 RSD

The economic price of the half-day stay service, on a monthly basis, per child, is RSD 30,000.00.

Number of absences during the monthPercentage reductionMonthly payment amount
Up to 5 absencesNo reduction26 400, 00 RSD
From 6 to 9 absences10%23 760, 00 RSD
10 or more absences20%21 120, 00 RSD

The price of other services are shown in the table.

Type of service


Monthly stay in a regular group and work with a personal assistant

82.000,00 RSD

Psychomotor reeducation (treatment 45 minutes)

2.000,00 RSD

Psychomotor re-education (8 treatments)

15.000,00 RSD

Psychomotor reeducation (12 treatments)

20.500,00 RSD

Speech therapy treatment for children of our institution (45 minutes)

1.500,00 RSD

Speech therapy treatment for all other children (45 minutes)

2.000,00 RSD

Psychological counseling center (term)

4.000,00 RSD

Corrective physiotherapy (term 30-45 minutes)

1.500,00 RSD

Overnight in Kindergarten - Pajama Party

2.500,00 RSD